So even before the start of a new year Leigh and I discussed what challenges we wanted to take into 2013. I dislike New Year’s Resolutions as I can rarely stick to them, but I do like the thought of having a goal or a challenge, just not making it a fixed resolution from a set date…
One thing I would like to do is make sure there is more of a record of what we do as a family. The boys are growing up and I have sites for them but I mostly just use it to store pictures and video in an easy location for them as it is hard to keep it up to date. So my plan was to keep some physical record and to blog more here about what we have done and where we have been.
I would also love to use the PM site a little more and so that is what I will be doing.
This is the first post in this series, I don’t expect to repeat this text or keep a count in the writing :).
For Christmas this year we decided to travel to see various people, part of this trip was to first have a meal with the Keating clan near Wigan in the North West. The following day after spending a night in a hotel near Haydock we travelled to Rhymney which is near Tredegar and Mrythr Tidfil in South Wales.
Rhymney is a lovely town at the head of a valley on the appropriately named Heads of the Valleys road. We were there for two full days and three nights. On Boxing Day we took a walk up the hills to put the kids in a soft play centre and I took a couple of iPhone snaps from the hillside at the Heads of thew Valley Trading Estate.[1]

[1] No jokes about the naming of things, it was not on Industrial Estate Road…honest.