Author: mdk

  • River view looking East in Inverness

  • Tiny Prople seen playing with Die

  • In the Ball Pool Together

  • Reading with Mummy

    Wednesday, 27th March 2013 It is the growing tradition for the kids to join us in the bed in the mornings now. We get to drink a coffee and they get to cuddle mummy and daddy, play with toys, occasionally create havoc, so all good fun. Sometimes mummy likes to read to them. It brings…

  • L-L-LEGOLand Again

    Wednesday, 20th March 2013 On Wednesday Mark took a day off work in the middle of the week so that he could spend a day with the kids as his weekend would be taken with helping Ian and Claire to move house. So we went to the LEGOLAND Discovery Centre in Manchester, once again, so…

  • Unearthing the Past

    Saturday, 16th March 2013 Lydia was in the United Kingdom for a few weeks during the early part of this year and as part of her stay she trekked north to visit Chuck. So on the Saturday we decided to kill their buzz* by dragging ourselves along on their visit to the north. Vindolanda Lydia…

  • Hopi Mother’s Day

    Sunday, 10th March 2013 Today is Mother’s Day in the United Knigdom when all good children who still have maternal relatives present flowers or some such and do their diligence. Personally we love it, maybe because we are lucky and have great mothers, all of them, great grandmothers/nanas, all of them, and a great-nan who…

  • Kendal Food Fair

    Sunday, 3rd March 2013 The Annual Kendal Food Fair was on at the weekend which meant a short bounce into Cumbria to visit the wonderful town and taste some of the best that Cumbria and Northern Lancaster has to offer. Elliott was a little under the weather this weekend and Sunday was the point of…

  • Want, go to, Le-go Land…

    Saturday, 2nd March 2013 We went to the Trafford Centre in Manchester at the weekend, the principal reason for going was that Daddy wanted to visit the Northern Model Show which was on at the Event City space next door to the shopping centre. The biggest draw for Ben, however, was the LegoLand Discovery Centre…

  • Who’s The Boss

    Thursday 28th February – Friday 1st March The last two days have seen an interesting change in the Keating household. Just a small change however. Leigh had to be at work and Grandma was away so daddy got to take some time away from the office to spend with his boys. There was some small…